Social Media SEO & Social Networking

 This week, we learned about the importance of establishing a presence on social media through SEO strategies.  One of the biggest lessons that I personally learned about this topic, is that I personally am very unadapt at the use of social media and need to find ways to branch out for the overall success of my business.  It is a sad truth that businesses who do not prioritize their social media presence are destined to struggle more when it comes to establishing that following that is so important to financial success.  It is for this reason that I am planning on beginning to create a social media page to help manage the financial success of my business.

Ultimately, the main step that I need to take is to create a page, and then spend time following both those that I already know, people who I do not know that fit my target audience, and then other pages with similar themes.  After doing this, I will need to create a monthly plan that shows me what posts I need to be making, and when I need to be posting them.  I believe that if I am efficient in doing this, then I will be able to establish the following necessary to my own success.


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