
Showing posts from December, 2020

Last Blog!

               Well, here we are at the end of the semester.   This is going to be my last blog post since I have now officially finished this class.   Before I share my quick thoughts with you all, I would first like to say thank you.   Thank you to everyone who has been reading my entries and who has been trying to apply what I have been sharing into your own lives.   I really hope that it has been a positive experience for you while learning, because I know for a fact that it has been one for me.   I have learned so many important lessons that I feel most people out there do not fully understand, and because of that I feel obligated to continue to share through my example and persona.   Anyways, enough of that.               So, this week was not quite normal due to finals, we only had one day in class where we had one discussion instead of the normal tw...

Vitamin N

Hey friends and family!   I am sure this week was good for you, at least I hope that it was.   It has been a fun one for me full of friends, dates, and most importantly, my family relations class. 😊 We went over some pretty important stuff this week in class.   Related to last week, we spoke about parenting, and even more specifically, correction for children.             Growing up, I remember having many friends who seemed to get everything that they wanted.   If they wanted the new PlayStation 3, then they would have gotten it.   If they wanted a new phone, then they would have gotten it.   In all honesty, this kind of frustrated me because my parents did not raise me the same way.   Of course they provided for me, but in no way was I spoiled or did I get whatever I wanted.   I remember looking to my friends and wondering why they get all these fancy things while I did not even get a fl...